
Accountabilities are the things for which an individual is responsible.

API Method
GET individuals/{individualid}/accountabilities?deleted={deleted}
Read all accountabilities for an individual.
GET me/accountabilities?deleted={deleted}
Read all accountabilities for the currently logged in user.
GET accountabilities/{accountabilityid}
Read a single accountabliity by ID.
GET individuals/{individualid}/accountabilities/{accountabilityid}
Read a single accountabliity by ID.
POST accountabilities
Create a new accountability for an individual.
PUT accountabilities/{id}
Update an accountability for an individual.
DELETE accountabilities/{id}
Delete an accountability for an Individual.
PUT accountabilities/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted accountability.

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Archives for Connections Online.

API Method
GET individuals/{ancestorid}/archives
Read archives for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET organizations/{ancestorid}/archives
Read archives for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET projects/{ancestorid}/metricArchives
Read archives for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET metric/{itemid}/archives/{id}
Read archive for metric or projects
GET projects/{itemid}/archives/{id}
Read archive for metric or projects
GET archives/{id}
Read an archive for the given archive Id
PUT archives/{id}
Updating an archive is not a supported action.
POST archives
Creating an archive is not a supported action.
DELETE archives/{id}
Deleting an archive is not a supported action.

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Basic Roles are the core responsibilties of an individual's job.

API Method
GET individuals/{individualid}/basicroles?deleted={deleted}
Read an individual's basic roles.
GET me/basicroles?deleted={deleted}
Read all basic roles for the currently logged in individual.
GET basicroles/{id}
Read a single basic role.
GET individuals/{individualid}/basicroles/{id}
Read a single basic role.
POST basicroles
Create an individual's basic role.
PUT basicroles/{id}
Update an individual's basic role.
DELETE basicroles/{id}
Delete an individual's basic role.
PUT basicroles/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted basic role.
GET sites/{siteid}/individuals/basicroles
Read a summary of basic roles for all individuals on a site.

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Basic Role Dialogs are meetings that are used to check the status of the basic roles of an individual.

API Method
GET dialogs/{dialogid}/basicroledialogs
Read all basic role dialogs by dialog ID.
GET basicroles/{basicRoleid}/dialogs/{dialogid}
Read basic role dialogs by basic role ID. Add dialog ID to return a single basic role dialog that matches both IDs.
PUT basicroles/{basicRoleid}/dialogs/{dialogid}
Update a basic role dialog.

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Colors are used to show the status of a project, task, or critical measure.

API Method
GET sites/{siteid}/colors
Read all colors for a site by ID.
GET colors
Read all colors for your site.
GET colors/defaults
Read all default colors for a site.
GET sites/{siteid}/colors/defaults
Read all default colors for a site by site ID.
GET colors/{id}
Read a single color by color Id.
POST colors
Create a new color. Admin
PUT colors/{id}
Update a color. Admin
DELETE colors/{id}
Delete a color. Admin

Back to Top


Comments are notes on departments, individuals, metrics, organizations, projects, or tasks.

API Method
GET departments/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET individuals/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET metrics/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET organizations/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET projects/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET tasks/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET dialogs/{ancestorid}/comments?tz={tz}
Read all comments for a given ancestor ID.
GET me/comments
Read all comments on the given Individual's page.
POST comments?tz={tz}
Create a new comment.
PUT comments/{id}?tz={tz}
Update a Comment.
DELETE comments/{id}
Delete a comment
PUT comments/{id}/undelete?tz={tz}
Restore a deleted comment.

Back to Top


Commitments are the goals of an organization. PM

API Method
GET dashboards/{ancestorId}/commitments/{type}?period={period}
Read all commitments for the given ancestor ID. PM
GET individuals/{id}/commitments?period={period}
Read all commitments for the given ancestor ID. PM
GET organizations/{id}/commitments?period={period}
Read all commitments for the given ancestor ID. PM
GET departments/{id}/commitments?period={period}
Read all commitments for the given ancestor ID. PM
POST commitments
Create a new commitment. PM
PUT commitments/{id}
Update a commitment. PM
DELETE commitments/{id}
Delete a commitment. PM

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Core values are the principal ideals on which the business is run. PM

API Method
GET corevalues
Read core values for the current user's site. PM
GET sites/{siteId}/corevalues
Read core values for the current user's site. PM
POST corevalues
Create a core value for the site. PMAdmin
PUT corevalues/{id}
Update a core value for the site. PMAdmin
DELETE corevalues/{id}
Delete a core value for the site. PMAdmin

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Operations that control the performance management dashboards. PM

API Method
GET dashboards
Returns a list of all dashboards accessible for the current user. PM
GET organizations/{id}/dashboards?period={period}
Read all dashboards for an organization. PM
GET departments/{id}/dashboards?period={period}
Read all dashboards for a department. PM
GET individuals/{id}/dashboards?period={period}
Read all dashboards for an individual. PM
GET dashboards/sample?period={period}&id={id}
Read all dashboards for an individual. PM

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Everything you need to do with departments.

API Method
GET departments?deleted={deleted}
Read departments.
GET sites/{siteid}/departments?deleted={deleted}
Read departments.
GET departments/{id}
Read a single organization or department.
GET me/departments?deleted={deleted}
Read all organizations and departments for the currently logged in individual.
GET individuals/{id}/departments?deleted={deleted}
Read all organizations and departments for a given individual.
POST departments
Create a new organization or department.
PUT departments/{id}
Update a department.
DELETE departments/{id}
Delete an organization or department.
PUT departments/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted organization or department.

Back to Top


All the options needed to read, add, update, or remove members from a Department.

API Method
GET departments/{id}/departmentmembers
Reads all members for a given department.
GET individuals/{id}/departmentmembers
Read all of the department/organization member information for the given individual.
GET individuals/{individualID}/departments/{departmentID}/departmentmembers
Returns the member information for the given Individual and department IDs.
GET departments/{departmentID}/individuals/{individualID}/departmentmembers
Returns the member information for the given Individual and department IDs.
POST departments/{departmentID}/individuals/{individualID}/departmentmembers
Create a department member.
POST individuals/{individualID}/departments/{departmentID}/departmentmembers
Create a department member.
POST departmentmembers
Create a department member.
PUT departmentmembers/{id}
Update a department member by the relationship id.
PUT departments/{departmentID}/individuals/{individualID}/departmentmembers
Update a department member.
PUT individuals/{individualID}/departments/{departmentID}/departmentmembers
Update a department member.
DELETE departmentmembers/{id}
Delete a member from a department using the relationship ID (will fail if the department is set to be their primary).
DELETE departments/{departmentID}/individuals/{individualID}/departmentmembers
Delete a member from a department (will fail if the department is set to be their primary).
DELETE individuals/{individualID}/departments/{departmentID}/departmentmembers
Delete a member from a department (will fail if the department is set to be their primary).

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Dialogs are meetings used to check the status and to update departments, individuals, organizations, or projects.

API Method
GET departments/{ancestorid}/dialogs?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read dialogs for a given ancestor ID.
GET individuals/{ancestorid}/dialogs?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read dialogs for a given ancestor ID.
GET organizations/{ancestorid}/dialogs?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read dialogs for a given ancestor ID.
GET projects/{ancestorid}/dialogs?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read dialogs for a given ancestor ID.
GET dialogs?ancestorType={ancestorType}&tz={tz}
Returns all dialogs for your site, can be filtered by ancestor type by adding ?ancestorType=
GET sites/{siteId}/dialogs?ancestorType={ancestorType}&tz={tz}
Returns all dialogs for a site by site ID, can be filtered by ancestor type by adding ?ancestorType=
GET me/alldialogs?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Returns dialogs associated with the given individual, this includes dialogs for that individual as well any dialog where there is a task that has been assigned to the given individual.
GET individuals/{id}/alldialogs?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Returns dialogs associated with the given individual, this includes dialogs for that individual as well any dialog where there is a task that has been assigned to the given individual.
GET dialogs/{id}?tz={tz}
Read a single dialog.
POST dialogs?tz={tz}
Create a new dialog.
PUT dialogs/{id}?tz={tz}
Update a dialog.
DELETE dialogs/{id}
Delete a dialog.
PUT dialogs/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted dialog.

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Evaluation Criteria is an explanation of how a project will be evaluated.

API Method
GET projects/{projectid}/evaluationcriteria?deleted={deleted}
Read Evaluation Criteria for a project.
GET evaluationcriteria/{evaluationcriteriaid}
Read evaluation criteria for a single project.
GET projects/{projectid}/evaluationcriteria/{evaluationcriteriaid}
Read evaluation criteria for a single project.
POST evaluationcriteria
Create a new evaluation criteria.
PUT evaluationcriteria/{id}
Update an evaluation criteria.
DELETE evaluationcriteria/{id}
Delete an evaluation criteria.
PUT evaluationcriteria/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted Evaluation Criteria.

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Goals are individual commitments, or personal development goals that are to be completed by the end of the period. PM

API Method
GET individuals/{individualId}/goals?period={period}
Read personal development goals for an individual. PM
GET sites/{siteId}/goals?period={period}

No documentation available.

POST goals
Create a personal development goal. PM
PUT goals/{id}
Update a personal development goal. PM
DELETE goals/{id}
Delete a personal development goal. PM

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Performance Indicators are how you tell if you are completing your basic roles. Note: both routes, /indicators and /performanceIndicators return the same result.

API Method
GET basicroles/{basicroleid}/indicators?individualid={individualid}&deleted={deleted}
Reads performance Indicators for basic roles or individuals.
GET basicroles/{basicroleid}/performanceindicators?individualid={individualid}&deleted={deleted}
Reads performance Indicators for basic roles or individuals.
GET individuals/{individualid}/indicators?basicroleid={basicroleid}&deleted={deleted}
Reads performance Indicators for basic roles or individuals.
GET individuals/{individualid}/performanceindicators?basicroleid={basicroleid}&deleted={deleted}
Reads performance Indicators for basic roles or individuals.
GET indicators/{id}
Read a performance indicator.
GET performanceindicators/{id}
Read a performance indicator.
POST indicators
Create a performance indicator.
POST performanceindicators
Create a performance indicator.
PUT indicators/{id}
Update a performance indicator.
PUT performanceindicators/{id}
Update a performance indicator.
DELETE indicators/{id}
Delete a performance indicator.
DELETE performanceindicators/{id}
Delete a performance indicator.
PUT indicators/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted performance indicator.
PUT performanceindicators/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted performance indicator.

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Individuals are single users of connections online.

API Method
GET me?tz={tz}
Returns information about you.
GET sites/{siteId}/individuals?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all individuals for your site.
GET individuals?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all individuals for your site.
GET users?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all individuals for your site.
GET tasks/{id}/individuals?tz={tz}
Read all individuals assigned to the given task.
GET projects/{id}/individuals
Read all individuals assigned to the given project.
GET departments/{id}/individuals?tz={tz}
Read all individuals for the given department or organization.
GET organizations/{id}/individuals?tz={tz}
Read all individuals for the given department or organization.
GET individuals/{id}?tz={tz}
Read an individual.
POST individuals?tz={tz}
Create a new individual. Admin
PUT individuals/{id}?tz={tz}
Update an individual.
DELETE individuals/{id}
Delete an individual. Admin
PUT individuals/{id}/undelete?tz={tz}
Restore a deleted individual.

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Customizable words in Connections Online.

API Method
GET keywords
Read keywords for your site.
GET sites/{siteid}/keywords
Read keywords for a site by site ID. GA
GET keywords/{id}
Reads a single keyword by ID
PUT keywords/{id}
Update a keyword. Admin

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Login allows a user to sign into connections online using their username and password.

API Method
POST login
Logs a user into connections online.

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Metrics are a measure of the activities and performance of a given individual, organization or project.

API Method
GET me/metrics?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read metrics for the currently logged in Individual.
GET departments/{ancestorid}/metrics?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read Metrics for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET individuals/{ancestorid}/metrics?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read Metrics for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET organizations/{ancestorid}/metrics?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read Metrics for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET projects/{ancestorid}/metrics?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read Metrics for individuals, organizations, or projects.
GET me/allmetrics?deleted={deleted}
Read all metrics for the currently logged in Individual.
GET individuals/{id}/allmetrics?deleted={deleted}
Read Metrics all metrics for the given individual.
GET metrics/{id}?tz={tz}
Read a single metric.
GET dashboards/{id}/metrics/8020dept?period={period}
Returns a list of metric. PM
GET dashboards/{id}/metrics/{metricType}?period={period}
Returns a list of metric. PM
POST metrics
Create a new metric.
PUT metrics/{id}?tz={tz}
Update a metric.
DELETE metrics/{id}
Delete a metric.
PUT metrics/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted metric.

Back to Top


The owner for a given metric.

API Method
GET archives/{archiveid}/owners
Read metric owners for an archive.
GET metrics/{metricid}/owners
Read metric owners for a metric.
GET metricowners/{metricOwnerid}
Read a single metric owner by ID.
GET metrics/{metricid}/owners/{metricOwnerid}
Read a single metric owner by ID.
POST metricowners
Create a new metric owner.
DELETE metricowners/{id}
Delete a metric owner.
GET metrics/{metricid}/individuals
Read metric owners for a metric.

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API Method
GET organizations?deleted={deleted}
Read organizations.
GET sites/{siteid}/organizations?deleted={deleted}
Read organizations.
GET organizations/{id}
Read a single organization or department.
GET me/organizations?deleted={deleted}
Readn all organizations and departments for the currently logged in individual.
GET individuals/{id}/organizations?deleted={deleted}
Readn all organizations and departments for a given individual.
POST organizations
Create a new organization or department.
PUT organizations/{id}
Update an organization.
DELETE organizations/{id}
Delete an organization or department.
PUT organizations/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted organization or department.

Back to Top


All the options needed to add or remove members from an Organization.

API Method
GET organizations/{id}/organizationmembers
GET individuals/{id}/organizationmembers
Read all of the organization member information for the given individual.
GET individuals/{individualID}/organizations/{organizationID}/organizationmembers
Returns the member information for the given Individual and Organization ID s
GET organizations/{organizationID}/individuals/{individualID}/organizationmembers
Returns the member information for the given Individual and Organization ID s
POST organizations/{organizationID}/individuals/{individualID}/organizationmembers
Create an organization member.
POST individuals/{individualID}/organizations/{organizationID}/organizationmembers
Create an organization member.
POST organizationmembers
Create an organization member.
PUT organizationmembers/{id}
Update the organization member by the given relationship id.
PUT organizations/{organizationID}/individuals/{individualID}/organizationmembers
Update a given member of a given organization.
PUT individuals/{individualID}/organizations/{organizationID}/organizationmembers
Update a given member of a given organization.
DELETE organizationmembers/{id}
Delete a member from an organization using the relationship ID (will fail if the organization is set to be their primary).
DELETE organizations/{organizationID}/individuals/{individualID}/organizationmembers
Delete a member from an organization (will fail if the organization is set to be their primary).
DELETE individuals/{individualID}/organizations/{organizationID}/organizationmembers
Delete a member from an organization (will fail if the organization is set to be their primary).

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Performance results, are results from the surverys for individuals. PM

API Method
GET performance?individualId={individualId}&period={period}
Read performance results for an individual. PM
GET individuals/{individualId}/performance?period={period}
Read performance results for an individual. PM
GET sites/{siteId}/performance?period={period}
Read performance results for all individuals on the site. PM
GET organization/{Id}/performance?period={period}
Read performance results for all individuals in the department or organization. PM
GET department/{Id}/performance?period={period}
Read performance results for all individuals in the department or organization. PM

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Period of time in which commitments and goals should be completed. PM

API Method
GET periods
Read all performance periods. PM
GET sites/{siteid}/periods
Read all performance periods. PMID of the site for the period list.
POST periods
Create a performance period. PMAdmin
PUT periods/{id}
Update a performance period. PMAdmin
DELETE periods/{id}
Delete a performance period. PMAdmin

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The permissions/security for accessing or modifying all of the objects in Connections Online.

API Method
GET individuals/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
GET metrics/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
GET organizations/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
GET projects/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
GET sites/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
GET tasks/{id}/security/{childtype}
Read permissions for and object based an id and childType.
POST security
Create a new permission.
PUT security/{id}
Update permission.
DELETE security/{id}
Delete permission.

Back to Top


People responsible for a task.

API Method
GET tasks/{taskid}/peopleresponsible
Reads people responsible for a task.
GET peopleresponsible/{id}
Read a single person responsible for a task.
GET tasks/{taskid}/peopleresponsible/{id}
Read a single person responsible for a task.
POST peopleresponsible
Create a new person responsible for a task.
PUT peopleresponsible/{id}
Update a person responsible for a task.
DELETE peopleresponsible/{id}
Delete a person responsible for a task.

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Phases of the project, i.e. business case, design, construction, testing, production, etc.

API Method
GET projectphases?siteid={siteid}
Read all project phases for a site.
GET sites/{siteid}/projectphases
Read all project phases for a site.
GET projectphases/defaults
Read default project phases.
GET sites/{siteid}/projectphases/defaults
Read default project phases by site ID.
GET projectphases/{id}
Read a single project phase.
POST projectphases
Create a new Project Phase. Admin
PUT projectphases/{id}
Update a Project Phase. Admin
DELETE projectphases/{id}
Delete a Project Phase. Admin

Back to Top


Company projects

API Method
GET projects?organizationid={organizationid}&siteid={siteid}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all projects.
GET sites/{siteid}/projects?organizationid={organizationid}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all projects.
GET organizations/{organizationid}/projects?siteid={siteid}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all projects.
GET me/projects?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all projects for the currently logged in user.
GET individuals/{id}/projects?deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all projects by individual ID.M
GET projects/{id}?tz={tz}
Read a project.
GET dashboards/{id}/projects/completed?period={period}&tz={tz}
Read a list of all completed projects for the given ID. PM
GET dashboards/{id}/projects/active?period={period}&tz={tz}
Read a list of all active projects for the given ID. PM
GET dashboards/{id}/projects/deptcompleted?period={period}&tz={tz}
Read a list of all completed department/sub department projects under for the given organization or parent department ID. PM
GET dashboards/{id}/projects/deptactive?period={period}&tz={tz}
Read a list of all active department/sub department projects under for the given organization or parent department ID. PM
POST projects?tz={tz}
Create a new poject.
PUT projects/{id}?tz={tz}
Update a project.
DELETE projects/{id}
Delete the project for the ID you enter.

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The scope of the project details what the project includes and doesn't include.

API Method
GET projects/{projectid}/projectscopes?deleted={deleted}
Read project scopes for a project.
GET projectScopes/{id}
Read a single project scope.
POST projectScopes
Create a project scope.
PUT projectScopes/{id}
Update a projcet scope.
DELETE projectScopes/{id}
Delete a project scope
PUT projectScopes/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted project scope.

Back to Top

Related information and links for departments, individuals, metrics, organizations, projects, or tasks.

API Method
GET departments/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET individuals/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET metrics/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET organizations/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET projects/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET tasks/{ancestorId}/relatedlinks?deleted={deleted}
Read related links.
GET relatedlinks/{id}
Read a related link.
POST relatedlinks
Create related link.
PUT relatedlinks/{id}
Update related link.
DELETE relatedlinks/{id}
Delete related link.
PUT relatedlinks/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted related link.

Back to Top


A security group is a group of Individual users that all share security privileges.

API Method
GET securitygroups?siteId={siteId}
Read security groups.
GET sites/{siteId}/securitygroups
Read security groups.
GET securitygroups/defaults?siteId={siteId}
Read the default security groups. GA
GET sites/{siteId}/securitygroups/defaults
Read the default security groups. GA
GET securitygroups/{id}
Read a single security group.
POST securitygroups
Create a new security group. Admin
PUT securitygroups/{id}
Update a security group. Admin
DELETE securitygroups/{id}
Delete a security group. Admin

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A site is the top level above organization. Any settings at this level will effect all organizations, departments, projects and individuals.

API Method
GET sites?deleted={deleted}
Return a list of all sites for which the user has access. In most cases, this only returns one site.
GET sites/{id}
Return basic information about one site.
POST sites
Create a new site. GA
PUT sites/{id}
Update a site. GA
DELETE sites/{id}
Delete a site. GA

Back to Top


Read and update the settings for the PM dashboard. PMAdmin

API Method
GET sites/{id}/pmsettings
Read all of the site settings for the PM Dashboard. PMAdmin
PUT sites/{id}/pmsettings
Update the site settings for the PM Dashboard. PMAdmin
PUT pmsettings
Update your site settings for the PM Dashboard. PMAdmin
PUT sites/{id}/pmsettings/reset
Reset thresholds to default levels for a site. PMAdmin
PUT pmsettings/reset?id={id}
Reset thresholds to default levels for a site. PMAdmin

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Shows information about the current status of a project.

API Method
GET projectstatuses?siteId={siteId}
Read all site project statuses.
GET sites/{siteId}/projectstatuses
Read all site project statuses.
GET projectstatuses/defaults
Read default project statuses.
GET projectstatuses/{id}
Read a single status.
POST projectstatuses
Create a project status. Admin
PUT projectstatuses/{id}
Update a project status. Admin
DELETE projectstatuses/{id}
Delete a project status. Admin

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Supervisory scope are all the things/people which an individual has supervision over.

API Method
GET individuals/{individualId}/supervisoryscopes?deleted={deleted}
Read an individual's supervisory scopes.
GET supervisoryscopes/{id}
Read a supervisory scope.
GET individuals/{individualid}/supervisoryscopes/{id}
Read a supervisory scope.
POST supervisoryscopes
Create a new supervisory scope.
PUT supervisoryscopes/{id}
Update a supervisory scope.
DELETE supervisoryscopes/{id}
Delete a supervisory scope.
PUT supervisoryscopes/{id}/undelete
Restore a deleted supervisory scope.

Back to Top


Actions related to performance management surveys. PM

API Method
GET individuals/{individualId}/surveys
Read a list of surveys for an individual. PM
GET surveys?surveyId={surveyId}
Read information from a single survey. PM
GET individuals/{individualId}/surveys/directReports
Read a list of direct report surveys for an individual. PM
GET surveys/{surveyResponseId}/comments?itemId={itemId}&questionId={questionId}
Read comments on surveys. PM
GET surveys/{itemId}/{questionId}/comments?surveyResponseId={surveyResponseId}
Read comments on surveys. PM
PUT surveys/comments/{id}
Update a comment on a survery. PM

Back to Top


Tasks are smaller units of work than projects. These can belong of a dialog, individual, or project. It is a smaller unit of work than a project.

API Method
GET projects/{projectId}/tasks?siteId={siteId}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read all tasks for a project by the given project ID.
GET tasks?ancestorId={ancestorId}&tz={tz}
Read all tasks for the current user's site. Add ?ancestorId=ancestorID to return tasks with the given ancestorID.
GET sites/{siteId}/tasks?tz={tz}
Read all tasks for a site by the given site ID, if no ID is supplied it will default to the current user's site.
GET dialogs/{dialogId}/tasks?siteId={siteId}&tz={tz}
Reads all the tasks for the current dialog, all completed tasks for the previous dialog, and all uncompleted tasks from previous dialogs.
GET projects/{id}/dialogtasks?tz={tz}
Read all Dialog Tasks for a given project.
GET departments/{id}/dialogtasks?tz={tz}
Read all Dialog Tasks for a given department or organization.
GET organizations/{id}/dialogtasks?tz={tz}
Read all Dialog Tasks for a given department or organization.
GET individuals/{id}/dialogtasks?tz={tz}
Read all Dialog Tasks for a given individual.
GET tasks/simple?isCompletedStatus={isCompletedStatus}&isEndDateActualSet={isEndDateActualSet}
Read a simplified list of project tasks based on project status.
GET me/tasks?tz={tz}
Read all tasks for currently logged in Individual.
GET individuals/{individualId}/tasks?tz={tz}
Read personal tasks for the given individual.
GET tasks/{id}?tz={tz}
Read a task.
GET me/alltasks?tz={tz}
Read all tasks assigned to the given individual.
GET individuals/{id}/alltasks?tz={tz}
Read all tasks assigned to the given individual.
POST tasks?tz={tz}
Create a new task.
POST separateTasks?tz={tz}
Create multiple new tasks, one for each of the people responsible.
PUT tasks/{id}/togglecompleted?tz={tz}
Set the End Date Actual of the task to the current date if it is null, or null if it has a value.
PUT tasks/{id}?tz={tz}
Update a task.
DELETE tasks/{id}
Delete a task.
PUT tasks/{id}/undelete?tz={tz}
Restore a deleted task.
GET sites/{id}/projects/active/tasks
Read all tasks for all active projects for the given site.
GET projects/active/tasks
Read all tasks for all active projects on the site for the currently logged in user.

Back to Top


Team Members are individuals that have been asigned to the same project.

API Method
GET projects/{projectId}/teammembers
Read team members.
GET teammembers/{id}
Read a single team member by ID.
GET projects/{projectId}/individuals/{individualId}/teammembers
Read a single team member by individual ID and project ID.
GET individuals/{individualId}/projects/{projectId}/teammembers
Read a single team member by individual ID and project ID.
GET teammembers/roles?siteId={siteId}
Read team member roles for a site.
POST teammembers
Create a new team member.
PUT teammembers/{id}
Update a team member.
PUT projects/{id}/swapteammembers

No documentation available.

DELETE teammembers/{id}
Delete a team member.
DELETE projects/{projectId}/individuals/{individualId}/teammembers
Read information about an individual's role on a project.
DELETE individuals/{individualId}/projects/{projectId}/teammembers
Read information about an individual's role on a project.

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API Method
GET timezones

No documentation available.

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The trend values create the trend “picture view” of the on-going performance of the threshold information.

API Method
GET metrics/{metricId}/values/startdate/{startDate}/endDate/{endDate}?archiveId={archiveId}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read metric data.
GET metrics/{metricId}/values/archives/{archiveId}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read metric data.
GET metrics/{metricId}/values?archiveId={archiveId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&deleted={deleted}&tz={tz}
Read metric data.
GET metricvalues/{id}?tz={tz}
Read a single trend value.
POST metricvalues?tz={tz}
Create new metric data.
PUT metricvalues/{id}?tz={tz}
Update metric data.
DELETE metricvalues/{id}
Delete metric data.

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